
How to Boot from a USB Flash DriveCD-ROM (Changing ...

After entering the BIOS configuration, press the [F8] key on your keyboard, or you can click on the [Boot Menu]① option on the screen. · In the ...

如何從USB隨身碟光碟機中開機(變更啟動選項) | 官方支援

進入BIOS設定畫面後,按一下鍵盤上的[F8]鍵,或是您也可以點選畫面上的[Boot Menu]①。 · 在Boot Menu中選擇您要使用的USB隨身碟/光碟機②,然後按一下鍵盤上的 ...

Hot keys for BootMenu BIOS Settings

Manufacturer Type Boot Menu ASUS laptop Esc ASUS laptop F8 ASUS netbook Esc COMPAQ Esc, F9 Hot keys for BootMenu / BIOS Settings - Active@ Disk Image

How to Access Asus Laptop Boot Menu to Boot From USB

To get into Asus BIOS, you can press the key F2, Delete, or F9 while booting your computer. If the method doesn't work, you can continuously ...

Exact Asus Boot Menu Keys

To get into Asus BIOS, you can press the key F2, Delete, or F9 while booting your computer. If this method doesn't work, you can continuously power on and off ...

How to reach normal boot menu? : rASUS

Press F7 so it takes you to a menu with the traditional look of Bios mode, there you can change boot settings and etc.

ASUS Laptop BOOT Menu Bios Settings | Secure BOOT

ASUS Laptop BOOT Menu Bios Settings | Secure BOOT | Boot from USB Disclaimer: The steps and procedures shown in the videos are for ...


AfterenteringtheBIOSconfiguration,pressthe[F8]keyonyourkeyboard,oryoucanclickonthe[BootMenu]①optiononthescreen.·Inthe ...,進入BIOS設定畫面後,按一下鍵盤上的[F8]鍵,或是您也可以點選畫面上的[BootMenu]①。·在BootMenu中選擇您要使用的USB隨身碟/光碟機②,然後按一下鍵盤上的 ...,ManufacturerTypeBootMenuASUSlaptopEscASUSlaptopF8ASUSnetbookEscCOMPAQEsc,F9HotkeysforBootMenu/BIOSSettings-Active@DiskImage,To...